The Air at the Top of the Bottle

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An Ullage Dozen (21): Crying “Theater” in a Crowded Theater

August 2nd, 2010 · 2 Comments

If you want your work commercial,
Go for pseudo-controversial.

a musical phenakistascope: the notes move on the staff

a rodeo on the radio

Even as a child, I was baffled by the idea of Hell: how could fire hurt disembodied souls?

What a pretty puffin!
Polly want a muffin?
What a pretty quetzal!
Polly want a pretzel?

A stereoscopic panorama: the first image is viewed with the left eye, the second image with the right. The second image is then viewed with the left eye, and the third image with the right. The third image is then viewed with the left eye, and the fourth image with the right. And so on, for as long as desired.

Remember to look after you leap, too.

We constantly over-simplify history, people, and ideas. I’ve been reading the journal of the elderly Marquis de Sade; and am struck by his obsession with numbers, particularly 17 and 23. We could just as easily have given the name “sadism” to paranoid numerology.

I can’t see your stigmata; I’m astigmatic.

What exactly do you mean by “vague”?

With fork for fulcrum, spoon for leverage,
I’ll get that ice cube in your beverage.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

Tags: Education

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Angela // Aug 3, 2010 at 8:17 am

    Fantastic rhyming of quetzal and pretzel! It’s hard to pick a favorite among these gems, but I can’t help smiling as I read:
    With fork for fulcrum, spoon for leverage,
    I’ll get that ice cube in your beverage.

  • 2 Gail // Aug 4, 2010 at 7:24 am

    Yes, I bet the ice cube was recited in a fit of spontanaity! I also love “vague”………it is such a nice word. I love number 17 too! But my house on that street with the same number fell down, so it didn’t bring me much luck….It’s a good idea to look after one leaps. Good advise.