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Memorable Magazines (8): A Wake Newslitter

April 30th, 2017 · Comments Off on Memorable Magazines (8): A Wake Newslitter

I like the idea of a magazine devoted to only one book, particularly one that has now become so unpopular. A Wake Newslitter was devoted entirely to Finnegans Wake.

Back in 1964, Joyce buffs across the globe sent in their discoveries to Fritz Senn (in Unterengstringen, Switzerland) and Clive Hart (in Newcastle, Australia). Senn and Hart assembled them into a 16 page bimonthly. There were 18 issues published in 1962 and 1963; a new series began in February, 1964, formally dubbed Volume 1, Volume 1. I don’t know how long it ran; the last issue in my collection is from 1980.

That first (but nineteenth) issue contains: a list of languages, from one of Joyce’s notebooks; a piece on the use of Albanian; a list of Swahili words; an article on the gematria of ALP and HCE; references to the Hebrew alphabet; brief notes on “Tumulty,” “hadding,” and “W.K.O.O”; and notes on the Tetragrammaton and the opening words of the four Gospels. There’s also an intriguing query (from Nathan Halper): “Ellmann (p. 662) quotes Samuel Beckett as saying that once, when he was taking dictation, there was a knock on the door. Joyce said ‘Come in’ and Beckett, hearing these words, put them into the text. When he read this back, Joyce was surprised by the words but, after a moment’s thought, he let them stay in the text. Where is this ‘Come in’?”

The thrill of discovery! The exasperation with Joyce! The impatience with other Joyceans!

In 1971, the Newslitter published a ten-year index, listing the references to each page. Here’s a sample.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Children’s Card Games (230)

April 16th, 2017 · Comments Off on Children’s Card Games (230)

The “Fun in Flight Deck” was published by United Airlines, probably in the ’70s. It contains 24 cards containing games to keep children occupied on those long flights. One side of the cards has connect-the-dot pictures, which can also be used to play Rummy or Solitaire; the other side offers a variety of mazes, puzzles, and things to draw. I hope the kids appreciated it.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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I Am Sarcey

April 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on I Am Sarcey

I Am Sarcey is now available from Black Scat Books!

Francisque Sarcey was Paris’s most celebrated critic in the 1890s, and one of its most conservative. He famously panned Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi as “a filthy fraud that deserves nothing but the silence of contempt,” and praised light, commercial fare. Not surprisingly, he became an object of derision for young poets and artists. Nobody took the ridicule further than Alphonse Allais, who appropriated Sarcey’s byline for a series of articles in the Bohemian paper Le Chat Noir. Allais’s Sarcey was an obese buffoon who boasted about his appetite, complained about his constipation and impotence, and championed mediocrity in the arts: a memorable comic character who often overshadowed the original.

Doug Skinner has selected, translated, and annotated this famous journalistic prank. It’s now available from Black Scat Books or Amazon.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Children’s Card Games (229)

March 28th, 2017 · Comments Off on Children’s Card Games (229)

The “Game of Wars” offered players a great deal of information about famous wars, on plain and sturdy cards. My copy came in an equally no-nonsense box, which asserted that the game was “instructive and entertaining,” but no instructions. Nor is there any indication of date or publisher. My guess is that it was played like “Authors,” by collecting four of a kind.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Francis G. Attwood: A Forgotten Cartoonist

February 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on Francis G. Attwood: A Forgotten Cartoonist

From about 1887 to 1899, Francis Gilbert Attwood contributed a monthly page to the magazine Life. (This is, of course, the old humor magazine, not the later one.) He seems to be forgotten now, probably because he died so young, at 44 (1856-1900). According to the brief introduction to Attwood’s Pictures, published by the Life Publishing Company in 1900, he was born and died in Jamaica Plain, Mass, was in the 1878 class at Harvard, and had his work first published in the Harvard Lampoon. He contributed to other magazines, and illustrated a few books, but was mostly known for his work in Life.

Here’s a fine page from January 1888. Please click on it to see it better.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Memorable Magazines (7): Proceedings

January 8th, 2017 · 1 Comment

The Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom was edited and published by George Van Tassel, one of the livelier contactees of the 1950s. He and his wife Eva settled in Yucca Valley, near a large boulder called Giant Rock; there they held meetings for the Ministry of Universal Wisdom (originally the Brotherhood of Cosmic Christ), hosted UFO conventions, and ran a cafe. They also built the Integratron, a large white domed building intended as a rejuvenation chamber and time travel portal. Van Tassel claimed to be in communication with “space people,” who passed along prophecies and scientific information.

The Proceedings was the “official outlet” for his activities. This issue, from 1957, is 16 pages long; it contains a couple of UFO photos, a statement about the College’s purpose (among other things, to research “the memory span of atoms, the polarity interchange of vortices, and the generation of a ‘time field'”), season’s greetings, an article on the National Investigation Committee for Aerial Phenomena and its attitude toward contactees, an editorial urging less foreign aid and more money for science, an article on fallout, and praise of Van Tassel from one of his followers. The Proceedings, if I’m not mistaken, continued until Van Tassel’s death in 1978.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)


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Music Down Through the Ages

December 18th, 2016 · Comments Off on Music Down Through the Ages

From the pages of Life, July 9, 1925 (this is of course the old humorous Life, not the later news magazine), John Held Jr. illustrates the popularity of musical instruments among “college chaps.” The uke, mandolin, and guitar are still going strong, the others less so. (Please click to enlarge.)

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Political Playing Cards (2)

December 12th, 2016 · Comments Off on Political Playing Cards (2)

This curious deck rejoices in the name of “Political Satire Playing Deck 1,” and was published in 1975 by the Spanish company Heraclio Fournier. The drawings are credited to Ortuño. The politicians are an international bunch; shown here is Sirimavo Bandaranaike, who served as Prime Minister of Ceylon and Sri Lanka. Besides playing the usual card games, you can also play “The Political Satire Game,” in which players compete using seven characteristics: Numerical Card Value, Name of the Person, Name of Country, Area in Square Miles, Population, Capital City, and Monetary Unit. The rules are complicated. You can also play “The United Nations International Party Game,” in which a card is pinned on each player’s back, and he or she has to guess who it is.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Children’s Card Games (228)

November 27th, 2016 · Comments Off on Children’s Card Games (228)


We have another “Authors” deck, rather battered, as you can see. It’s incomplete, with no indication of date or publisher. The Winston Churchill pictured here is not the British one who became Prime Minister, but an American writer, who retired in 1919.

The deck has an unusual pantheon. In addition to Winston, we have William Dean Howells, Cyrus Townsend Brady, James Bryce, Mark Twain, Booth Tarkington, Ernest Thompson Seton, Sam Walter Foss, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Jack London.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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Double Over: Blackcattish Stories

November 20th, 2016 · 2 Comments


Black Scat Books is proud to serve up the master absurdist’s inaugural collection,  containing his hand-picked favorites from the pages of Le Chat Noir, the bohemian journal that amused and scandalized Paris. Here you’ll find Allais in the first flush of his comic genius, spinning out elegant and hilarious gems of black humor on suicide, murder, obsession, and adultery. You will meet the philosophical cuckold, the young lady in love with a pig, the inventor of the Tumultoscope, and Ferdinand, the most resourceful duck in literature. Among the highlights is Allais’s most famous story, “A Thoroughly Parisian Drama,” a favorite of André Breton and Umberto Eco. This is the book’s first publication in English, and features seven additional stories from Le Chat Noir, as well as a sublime introduction, notes on the text, and drawings by Doug Skinner.

276 delicious pages!

Pick up a copy on Amazon! Visit Black Scat Books!

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

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