The Air at the Top of the Bottle

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March 20th, 2024 · No Comments

TYPO #5 is now available to be gawked at and puzzled over! I contributed an essay (“Typoglyphics”), a short story (“The Butler Bulli0n”), a “Bilingual Acrostic Rebus,” and translations of Tabarin and Théophile Gautier.

My distinguished colleagues in this issue are Tim Newton Anderson, Tom Bradley, Anton Chekhov, Norman Conquest, Caroline Crépiat, R J Dent, Max Ernst, Eurydice Eve, Luc Fierens, Leonor Fini, Harold Jaffe, Amy Kurman, Lo, Michael Maier, Dmitri Manin, Elena Marini, Lilianne Milgrom, Opal Louis Nations, Marty Newman, Claudio Parentela, Angeleaux Pastormerleaux, Paul Rosheim, Jasia Reichardt, Phil Demise Smith, Lono Taggers, Corinne Taunay, Shyam Thandar, Stefan Themerson, Konstantin Vaginov, and Gregory Wallace.

The whole thing is edited by Norman Conquest, and you can find it at Black Scat Books!

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

Tags: Literature