Flash-News Illustrated was a monthly that came out in 1964. I assume only two issues were published; searching the internet turns up only these two. It was published by Correspondent News Service, and edited by Earl H. Dempsey and Charles McBain. Further searches turn up nothing about either publisher or editors.
The editorial policy was firmly, even fervently, committed to the sleazy. Articles on orgies, prostitution, strippers, and nudists alternate with news about murders, suicides, and birth defects. As the editorial in the first issue explained, “Here you will find the bizarre, the exciting, the violent, sometimes even the hideous, but you will also find cross-sections of people’s lives that will be much like your own experiences.” This would be particularly apt if you too had a thumb growing from your stomach, or enjoyed partying on the “nude, lewd Riviera.”
The second issue in particular contains a few surprises, among them interviews with Roberto Rossellini (a hatchet piece) and Federico Fellini (a puff piece), and a desert island cartoon by “Severin.” This looks to me like veteran cartoonist John Severin, rather than his equally prolific sister Marie, but perhaps their fans can clarify. I wasn’t aware that either of them drew magazine gags!
(Please click to enlarge.)
(Posted by Doug Skinner.)