The “Davy Crockett Adventure Card Game” was published by Ed-U-Cards some time in the 1950s, probably around 1954, when Disney produced a TV miniseries about the politician with the funny hat. The game had two decks of 18 cards each, some with paintings of Crockett’s exploits, others with “Pictures of Davy Crockett based upon his real life portrait.” The pictures also look like Fess Parker, who starred in the show, but I suppose he also resembled the original.
In 1964, 20th Century Fox produced a TV show about another frontier hero, Daniel Boone, also starring Parker. Ed-U-Cards responded with a “Daniel Boone Card Game,” using the same artwork from the Davy Crockett cards. I often confuse Crockett and Boone; apparently it doesn’t matter.
(Posted by Doug Skinner)
2 responses so far ↓
1 Norman Conquest // Mar 23, 2018 at 4:54 pm
Wish I still had my D.C. coonskin cap.
2 Doug // Mar 24, 2018 at 9:57 am
Maybe you can make one out of construction paper or something.