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A Frog Fall in Fludd

March 9th, 2015 · No Comments

Falling frogs are particularly associated with Charles Fort, who collected many reports in his 1919 book The Book of the Damned. Frog falls, however, have been reported for centuries, and I always enjoy spotting a reference.

I was, therefore, gratified to find a frog fall depicted by the curious 17th century philosopher and nonpareil, Robert Fludd, and reproduced in Joscelyn Godwin’s monograph (Thames and Hudson, 1979). The frogs fall in Fludd’s 1626 book Philosophia sacra et vere Christiana Seu Meteorologia Cosmica. You can see them in the “Great Meteorological Chart,” which shows a variety of celestial and meteorological phenomena and their effects on man. Here is a greatly reduced image of the full picture, just for context:


And here is a detail of the frogs, which are tumbling from the top of the arch, between stones and thunderbolts.


(Posted by Doug Skinner)

Tags: Animals · Forteana