As is my custom, I will be celebrating my birthday at the Jalopy Theater next month. On Friday, January 3, you can hear a program of my songs and instrumental music, with David Gold on viola, Ralph Hamperian on tuba, Doug Roesch on guitar, and me on vocals, uke, and piano.
More books are forthcoming from Black Scat Books. In the pipeline now are:
The Unknown Adjective, and Other Stories: a collection of my comics and picture stories.
Merde à la Belle Époque: a collection of scatological poems and stories from the heyday of boho Paris, with gastro-intestinal hijinks from Alphonse Allais, George Auriol, Georges Courteline, Edmond Haraucourt, Vincent Hyspa, Maurice MacNab, and Erik Satie, in my annotated translations.
Selected Plays of Alphonse Allais: a collection of short plays and monologues by the incomparable Allais, in, again, my translation.
I’ll also be contributing a translation of Jules Moy’s 1897 monologue “The Unicolorist” to an upcoming issue of The Black Scat Review.
Let me remind you, as well, that my massive (370 pages!) illustrated, annotated translation of Allais’s Captain Cap: His Adventures, His Ideas, His Drinks is available from Black Scat Books. You can still obtain the limited edition chapbooks of Captain Cap, Volumes 2, 3, and 4; the first is now out of print. And my edition of Allais’s tasteless mockery of the conservative critic Francisque Sarcey, How I Became an Idiot, is still to be had as well.
(Posted by Doug Skinner)