Our Edwards fiesta draws to a close now. I’d like to leave with an intriguing note for the Forteans out there: in 1915, Theodore Dreiser threw a party for Edgar Lee Masters. Fort attended; and Bobby Edwards entertained on his ukulele. A photographer from the New York World was also there; I may have to scroll through some microfilm and dig it up.
And I’ll add this clip from an article called “Tribute to a Troubadour,” written by Allen Churchill for the Greenwich Village Lantern in 1960.
And, finally, remember Edwards’ watchword: “Eternal Villageance is the price of liberty!”
(Posted by Doug Skinner)
2 responses so far ↓
1 Mamie // Jan 18, 2011 at 1:34 am
The beats….what would he say now?!?!?
2 Angela // Jan 20, 2011 at 10:19 am
oh silly Mamie…. “now” is 1960.
Thanks for the fiesta Doug. The Greenwich Village had some great characters: Bobby, Dirty Joe, Crump, The Gypsy and her crazy Doctor husband and that pirate guy…. I hope you uncover more material.
Until then….be Villageant!