The Air at the Top of the Bottle

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An Ullage Dozen (33): Inburst

December 2nd, 2010 · 1 Comment

Some anti-depressants carry warnings that they may increase suicidal tendencies.


What part of “what part of” don’t you understand?

Joan of Arc’s story arc

newscaster slip: “chiefs of stash” for “chiefs of staff”

Are deists monarchists?

If you give a man a fish, you can feed him for a day.
If you give a fish a man, it will only swim away.

many a slap twixt cup and lap

I love the word “the”: the barest slip of a word, a breath.

agnostic / diagnostic

The clown holds up a paper hoop;
The dog thinks he’s a nincompoop.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

Tags: Education · Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Angela // Dec 3, 2010 at 3:14 pm

    Yes! This is a lovely grouping of quips! Quoz! Bravo Sir! Give a fish a man….beautiful; nincompoop…delightful; a breath of a word … lovely.

    These are really really nice.