The Air at the Top of the Bottle

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Children’s Card Games (3)

April 18th, 2008 · 2 Comments


Your third selection comes from a curious game called “Golden Egg.”  There is no date, price, copyright, or publisher; all we are told is that it was made in Hong Kong.

(Posted by Doug Skinner)

Tags: Card Games · Ephemera

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Lisa // Apr 21, 2008 at 4:10 pm


  • 2 Gail // May 22, 2008 at 5:12 am

    very refreshing. Reminds me of the little Chinese powder paper packages. You can almost see a Kewpie doll powdering her nose with a little high laugh. Last sweltering summer in August on the Hong Kong ferry, I watched a young girl wiping the grime and sweat off of her brow with one of those papers.